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Tsukiji Soba Academy Japanese cooking class

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Join Essentials of Japanese cooking •JEC
  • Fee: 33,000 up to 3 people
  • 10,000 at an extra person/Capacity: up to 12
  • inquiry
Essentials of Japanese cooking 3 hrs Join

Take the first step towards versatile Japanese cooks. In this class (and “Quick learn Japanese cooking”), you can learn highly significant points of Japanese meal preparation from scratch. We will show you how to cook without special equipment such as electric rice cookers or others, the most practical way to complete Japonica rice cooking with an ordinary-shaped pot. Of course, you will taste the main dish and rich flavored miso soup with natural ingredients. Let us know your preference for fish, poultry, vegetables, and meat. We serve them in everyday style, and they come with excellent handmade pickles and a seasonal side dish to taste. The first goal is to give you the necessary fundamentals of Japanese cooking.
The lesson season is around 3.5 hours. The class fee is up to 3 people (You need to pay the class fee if the participants are less than 3.)

Points • Offers everything in English
• An ordinary shaped pot using in Japonica rice cooking
• Kids friendly
• Various meal options available
Options • Vegetarian preference 1,100 jpy at a class
• One more dish 4,500 jpy at a class
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
• Up to 60 people available at special venues Big class
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)
Join Enjoy everyday Japanese Cooking •JEE
  • Fee: 42,900 up to 3 people
  • 13,000 at an extra person/Capacity: up to 12
Enjoy everyday Japanese Cooking 3.5 hrs Popular Join

To get more skills in Japanese cooking. It’s the follow-up class of the “Essentials of Japanese cooking.” You can get to know how to prepare more recipes at once. We will show you three dishes: fish, vegetables, and meat/poultry. We serve them in everyday style and come with excellent handmade pickles, seasonal side dishes, and miso soup to taste. Cooked Japonica rice finished with an electric cooker. This class aims to make you savvy buyers pick up appropriate ingredients at Asian/Japanese markets in your hometown. We recommend you take the course after completing the “Essentials of Japanese cooking.” The lesson season is around 3.5 hours. The class fee is up to 3 people (You need to pay the class fee if the participants are less than 3.)
Options: •Vegetarian/Vegan preference at a class. •Additional participants (10 people are available to join the lesson.)

Points • Offers everything in English
• Kids friendly
• 3 dish serves
• Various meal options available
Options • Vegetarian preference 1,100 jpy at a class
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)
Join Japanese Totally Cooking Half-day •JTH
  • Fee: 56,100 up to 3 people
  • 17,000 at an extra person/Capacity: up to 12
Japanese Totally Cooking Half-day 4.5 hrs Join

To get comprehensive skills in Japanese cooking in the season, you take. It’s an attractive combination class of the “Essentials of Japanese cooking” and “Enjoy everyday Japanese cooking.” We show you the most practical way to complete Japonica rice cooking with an ordinary-shaped pot, rich flavored miso soup with natural ingredients in quality stock. Besides, you can learn how to prepare three dishes of seasonal fresh fish, vegetables, and meat/poultry at once. This class aims to make you savvy buyers within a half day to pick up appropriate ingredients at Asian/Japanese markets in your hometown. Duration is around 4.5 hours.

Points • Offers everything in English
• Kids friendly
• Various meal options available
Options • Vegetarian preference 1,100 jpy at a class
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)
Join Japanese casual donburi cooking. •JDC
  • Fee: 33,000 up to 3 people
  • 10,000 at an extra person/Capacity: up to 12
Japanese casual donburi cooking 3.5 hrs Popular Join

We show you how to make casual donbries in Japanese style and just one more solid recipe, which is great to come with the bowl. We serve them in everyday style with excellent handmade pickles, a seasonal side dish to taste. Miso soup and cooked Japonica rice finished with an electric cooker. It can be a practical and enjoyable class. You can choose a donburi from the list below. Of course, you can add the donbries with the additional fee. Make sure the recipes marked with * need to use some artificial substances in the ingredients. The lesson season is around 3.5 hours.

Points • Offers everything in English
• Kids friendly
Choose one • Gyudon (Beef bowl)
• Oyakodon (Cooked poultry and egg on top)
• Curry (Japanese Style)
• Katsudon (Cooked deep fried tonkatsu and egg on top)
• Charhan (Chinese style stir fried rice)
Options • One more bowl 3,000 at a person
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)

Tsukiji Soba Academy Soba & Japanese Cooking Combination

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Join Soba and Donburi Half-day •CDH
  • Fee: 56,100 up to 3 people
  • 17,000 at an extra person
  • Class capacity: up to 9
Soba and Donburi Half-day 4.5 hrs Popular Join

Perhaps, we only can offer a unique class to conduct everything in English in Tokyo. Only in a half-day can you combine those two of the most in-depth courses. This excellent combination class offers “Japanese casual donburi cooking” and “Just for fun soba making.” As you know, donbries are seasoned with authentic soba restaurants’ dipping sauce and broth. So that they have a magnetic attraction for the Japanese with no exception. You’ll learn how to fully use the soba’s dipping sauce and broth and must realize why the taste and the flavor make people crazy about it. All of you can take the soba noodles you made in the lesson out to your homes/accommodations.

Points • Offers everything in English
• Kids friendly
• Various meal options available
Options • One more donburi 3,000 jpy per person
• Vegetarian preference 1,100 jpy at a class
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
• Up to 60 people available at special venues Big class
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)
Join Soba and Japanese-Cooking One-day •CJ1
  • Fee: 66,000 up to 3 people
  • 22,000 at an extra person
  • Class capacity: up to 9
Soba and Japanese-Cooking One-day Join

Sounds ambitious. You can learn two top-rated lessons just in a half day. This is the attractive combination class of the “Essentials of Japanese cooking” and “Just for fun soba making.” Making soba and Japanese cooking are both far different ideas to prepare. Still, if you see the fundamental paradoxes between them. It can be a great shortcut to understanding the Japanese food culture.
All of you can take the soba noodles you made in the lesson out to your homes/accommodations.

Points • Offers everything in English
• To learn authentic way of Japonica rice cooking
• Kids friendly
• Various meal options available
Options • One more dish 3,000 jpy per person
• Vegetarian preference 1,100 jpy at a class
• Up to 12 people at the main studio
Starts at 11:30 basis (flexibly meet your convenience)

Tsukiji Soba Academy Japanese Cooking Class Summerized Table

Go Top
Soba Class Class Details Type Capacity Period Basic fee Typical amount Ingredients /person Additional participant Vegetarian option /class
Essentials of Japanese cooking JEC 12 3hr 33,000 up to 3 33,000 included @11,000
beyond the 3rd
Enjoy Everyday Japanese Cooking JEE 12 3.5hr 42,900 up to 3 42,900 included @14,300
beyond the 3rd
Japanese Totally Cooking Half-day JTH 12 4.5hr 56,100 up to 3 56,100 included @18,700
beyond the 3rd
Japanese Casual Donburi Cooking JDC 12 3.5hr 33,000 up to 3 33,000 included @11,000
beyond the 3rd
Soba and Donburi Half-day CDH 9 4.5hr 56,100
up to 3
56,100 included @18,700
beyond the 3rd
Soba and Japanese cooking
half day
CJ1 9 5.5hr 66,000
up to 3
56,100 included @22,000
beyond the 3rd
Japanese cooking Professonal
half day
JPH 6 4.5hr 50,000
1st person
50,000 included @35,000
Japanese cooking comprehensive
10-days Join
JCX 3 10-days 550,000
1st person
635,000 @85,000 @415,000 Free
Japanese professional cooking
3-days* (ex: JE3)
JP3 3 3-days 180,000
1st person
208,000 @28,000 @135,000 Free
Japanese professional cooking
5-days (ex: JE5)
JP5 3 5-days 280,000
1st person
320,000 @40,000 @210,000 Free
Japanese cooking advanced
JA5 3 5-days 280,000
1st person
333,000 @50,000 @210,000 Free

Including consumption tax for 10% to the net price.
*To join the JA5 class, the participant must complete the JP5 or JP3.
*To join the JP3 class, the participant must complete the JP2.

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